

Company Information

A Message from Our Representative Director

Our company, BSO, was founded in September 2019 by splitting off the wholesaling and processing division of our parent company, Ohguchi Suisan, coinciding with the 80th anniversary of their founding.

Alongside our company’s founding, we have also established a new processing plant located near the Kanazawa Central Wholesale Market, which offers seafood from off the shores of the Hokuriku region and from Japan as a whole. This processing plant is equipped with the latest processing equipment, allowing us to meet even broader customer needs than ever before.

BSO is unique in another way, as well: it is the first of our group companies with a name based in English, rather than Japanese. Our name comes from an abbreviation of “Best Selection Ohguchi,” representing our strong drive to provide the best services to satisfy customers, and establish ourselves as the best option available.

Population decline has left the marine product industry apprehensive about labor shortages. By handling labor-intensive processing of seafood on the behalf of our customers, we provide the support needed to allow our customers to focus on their own businesses — we hope to deliver not just outsourced products but also peace of mind, and that they will continue to choose us for their needs.

We also plan to expand into overseas markets, contributing to international society by sharing the delicious seafood of Japan — particularly from Kanazawa — with people around the world.

On behalf of all of us at BSO, thank you very much for your continued support and patronage. We look forward to providing exceptional processed seafood products for many years to come.

Ryousuke Arai,CEO


What types of seafood do you handle?
A1 We purchase and handle a broad variety of seafood from throughout Japan, with a focus on local seafood caught off the shores of the Hokuriku region. We can handle processing for both large and small orders, offering products that meet customers’ preservation needs. For more specific questions, please feel free to contact us as shown below.
Do you offer processing plant tours?
A2 Yes, we offer tours for businesses upon request. Please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit.
Do you ship overseas?
A3 Yes, we plan to expand our business to ship delicious seafood to countries around the world. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or business inquiries.

Contact Us

Company Profile

Company Name BSO Co., Ltd.
Established September 3, 2019
CEO Ryousuke Arai
Address 4-5-24 Ekinishi Hon-machi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-0025
Capital ¥5,000,000
No. of Employees 20
Description of Business Wholesaling, processing, and exporting of general seafood
Annual Sales ¥600,000,000‬
